Hello Friends , I am just record my Trades & Strategy here.
Whatever the out come i will post time to time here , I am try to explain Strategy logic behind the trades.
Just simple ask questions our self before put our hard earn money in stock market.
1) Why I put my hard earn money on this stock ?
2) Is this stock good for trading/Investment purpose ?
3) What is the Strategy behind buy/sell /short sell of this stock ?
4) What is
Strategy ? Is this Strategy suit me ? Is it back tested ?
How much success ratio of this strategy ?
This strategy have positive expectancy ?
5)What is
Time frame for my Investment /Trading ?
6)How much
RISK involved in this trade? How much
Loss I bare if my stop-loss hit ?
( Trade without Stop-loss is suicide in stock market, Its my personal opinion )
7) What is
Money management ? How much capital allocation per trade ?
and after all
8) How much
Return i expect from this trade/ Investment?
9) What is my exit Plan? Partial exit from my position , full exit, wait for target hit ,
wait for stop-loss hit ,trailing stop-loss,exit around cost-to cost etc
Above all points Ask yourself
Before taking trade
Rest all things depends on Market .Market is supreme ,just follow it.
This stock give me more than 200 % return in call option.
This stock not perform as per my expectation , I exit my 2 lots of 840 CE option around 40 % profit and rest cost-to-cost.
I simply mention on this article ,Low risk -High reward ,Rest is history. Nobody dare to short on RAYMOND ,cause this stock traded on 52 week high, but I faith on my studies ,rest things market show us.
Mostly I take position in OPTIONS these days , but Raymond options are not liquid , then I take only 2 lot buy of 880 Put option around 22-25 rs & exit 34 & 46 respectively making almost 100 % return.
Short sell 3 lot of RAYMOND Future around 882 with Stop-loss 908
Covered 1 lot @ 834 ,another 821 & rest one lot hold